Calcaneal Fractures

    Calcaneal Fractures can be a devastating injury. Otherwise known as a fracture of the heel bone. These fractures require a high energy impact, usually a fall from a height with a direct impact on the heel bone. Many times with a calcaneal fracture  one can suffer a spinal bone fracture due to the high impact. In some cases if there is none or minimal displacement a cast for 8-12 weeks is sufficient. However if there is displacement of the fracture fragments one needs to  consider surgery to help regain the functionality of their foot.IMG_1501 IMG_1503 calcaneal fracture There can be a high degree of early onset post truamatic arthritis of the subtalar joint with these injuries. As well due to the blowout of the lateral wall the widening of the heel bone can cause a pressure on the sural nerve leading to sural nerve entrapment. One must seek out a board certified foot and ankle surgeon ( a search can be done at the for board certified surgeons in foot and ankle surgery) to receive the best care.

    Bohler’s angle

    heel fracture

    heel fracture

    Technique regarding fixing these fractures are best left to those that understand the intricacies of these fractures. As you can see from a case of mine below a heel bone fracture that was reduced into the proper position with a special locking plate designed only for calcaneal fractures. Care must be taken to make sure the skin is protected during the surgery and that it is barely handled to prevent necrosis. Hence the wires holding the skin out of the way. The goal of the surgery is to realign the posterior facet of the subtalar joint. As well as to realign Bohler’s angle . Finally one must be very careful not to leave the heel bone in a varus position. Yes, I understand that these are medical words that may not make any sense to the general public. However it is important to understand that this is a complex injury that requires expert care.  Seek out an expert Foot and Ankle Surgeon to help you with these.

    As well remember these injuries can have long term painful functional issues and may require a second surgery down the road , even in best hands.

    Feel free to contact me with any questions