Cartiva Implant Success For Hallux Rigidus
Many times prospective patients wonder ” I read about this procedure, but does it really work? Cartiva for Hallux Rigidus and Hallux Limitus not only works great but the long-term outcomes on it have been very very impressive. I continue to have patients that come in having done this procedure for Hallux rigidus and hallux limitus that are a few years out and they are singing its praises. Below is an email from one of my happy patients that gave me permission to post what he spontaneously wrote to me. He describes the long-term outcomes and benefits he has received with Cartiva for Hallux Rigidus.

Hello Dr, Phil,
Was working around the yard yesterday digging holes..repairing my sprinkler system. I realized my big toe on my right foot was not bothered at all with the activity. Got me thinking that it will be three years in August since the surgery. I remember that prior to the surgery, just the weight of a blanket in bed was painful! Now I never think of it.
Too often we take successful surgery for granted and neglect to thank the person responsible.
Thanks so much for recommending and performing the surgery that gave me my active life back.
So far, so good, on the left foot but won’t hesitate if it starts acting up to reach out again.
Again, thanks so much and keep up the good work.