Heel pain is one of the most common problems when patients experience foot pain. It has been reported that approximately 40% of people in the U.S. suffer from heel pain at any given time. The major cause of bottom-of-the-foot heel pain is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is designed to support the arch and absorb
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Brachymetatarsia is a congenital condition that results in one having a shortened metatarsal bone in the foot. Cosmetically the foot will appear with a shortened toe. Commonly it occurs on the 4th toe in which the 4th toe is shorter than the 3rd and fifth toe. Brachymetatarsia occurs more in females than males. It can
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Diabetic Foot Ulceration Diabetes is becoming more common in our society. According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report, almost 30 million Americans in 2012 had diabetes. Diabetes can have a huge impact on your foot health. Long-term poor blood sugar control can affect the vascular system in your foot by damaging the blood vessels. This
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MRSA Foot Infection MRSA is a staph bacteria that is resistant to the usual antibiotics that treat staph. This is now in the news due to the recent infection that the tight end of the New York Giants, Daniel Fells is dealing with . He has undergone already 7 surgeries to save his foot. At this
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Ankle Subchondroplasty Ankle Subchondroplasty is a technique to repair microfractures and bone marrow edema of the ankle. This technique is appropriate for repair of microfractures and bone marrow edema of the bones of the foot as well. Subchondroplasty is a great procedure for people that have bone marrow defects of bones
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Ankle ligament surgery testimonial Below is a email sent to me by a patient that had ankle ligament reconstructive surgery one year ago. She had ankle instability and was constantly spraining her ankle until she could not get into shoes anymore . Below is her letter printed with her permission. Ankle ligament surgery testimonial Dr
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Diabetic Charcot Foot repair Diabetic Charcot Foot can be a devastating disease. It is many times misdiagnosed as an infection. I had a patient that was treated for an infection and he showed up to my office for a second opinion and with an x ray is was an obvious Diabetic Charcot Foot. The foot
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flatfoot surgery When Choosing a doctor to treat flatfoot it is important to make sure to try many non surgical treatments prior to choosing surgery. However sometimes non surgical treatments such as physical therapy , orthotics and different types of shoes fail in giving relief to your pain. Then you need to decide can you
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Bunion Surgery testimonial Bunion surgery can be a scary commitment , who really wants surgery. Especially if you have to be off your feet for a few weeks. Maria who is a patient of mine wrote this to me. ” Dear Dr Wrotslavsky thank you so much for fixing my bunions. Prior to surgery i
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wound debridement advancements Wound care of the foot and ankle today has come a long ways from years back of wet to dry dressings. With the growth of wound care centers and limb preservation programs we are able to heal wounds quicker than ever before. As well the need for amputations of toes , feet and
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