Ankle Arthroscopy testimonial Jose is a patient of ours that was suffering from ankle pain for many years. He loved to play Basketball and ride his Felt road bike on the weekends. He had an ankle sprain 10 years ago and was told it’s not bad. But it never got better it always felt like
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Toe fracture It’s three in the morning, and you need to go to the bathroom. You get up out of bed and didn’t bother turning in the lights. As you’re walking all groggy, “bam” a searing pain starts shooting through your toe. You stubbed your toe and Oh does that hurt, you think it’s nothing
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Podiatry expert witness Expert witness testimony for podiatry and foot and ankle legal cases are important whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant. One of the big misconceptions is that expert review is limited to malpractice situations. I have courtroom experience and deposition experience in many more situations that call for a foot and
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Sesamoid fracture dancer testimonial Jill, who is a professional dancer came into my office 2 months ago and was in severe pain. The ball of her foot was killing her , particularly by the big toe. She was performing leaps and landed hard on her ball of her foot and felt an enormous amount of
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Surfing Foot Injury Living near the ocean can be a lot of fun, particularly with all the water sports one can participate in. In my podiatry practice we see many foot injuries, one that you may not think to be very common are foot injuries from surfing. I have had many surfers come in with
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The diabetic Charcot foot is a very debilitating disease process for patients. However there are very exciting medical breakthroughs in the treatment of the disease. Diabetic Charcot foot is a highly missed diagnosis, It usually presents as a red hot swollen foot that is often confused with being a cellulitis or an abscess foot infection.
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Runners toenails Running can be great exercise, one of the drawbacks of running is the multitude of foot injuries that can be associated with it. There are ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures of the foot and runners toenails, besides many other injuries. What is runners toenails , how do you get runners toenails and
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Achilles rupture repair So you are running, and you feel like someone kicked you in the back of the ankle. You turn around and no one is there. Then you feel the pain in your ankle and the back of your ankle , and boy does it swell up right away. You go home that
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In-toe walking in children. So your child is walking with their foot pigeon toe or in-toe walking. They may be tripping over their own feet. You may think they are just a little klutzy. however it may be something more significant. In-toe gait or Intoe walking can stem from a few different areas. You need
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Flatfoot treatment in children If you went to ten doctors regarding a medical issue chances are you will get eleven opinions. If you went to ten doctors regarding their opinion on Flatfoot treatment in children you will probably get fifteen different opinions. Why is this so and what information should you as a parent use to make
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