Charcot foot ulcer
Charcot foot ulcer
A charcot foot ulcer can be a difficult foot wound to heal. Many patients have been coming to my office with Charcot foot ulcers that have been there for over 2 years. Using a highly advanced technique, I have developed methods that have worked to heal the ulcers on all my patients that have Charcot foot disease. Charcot is complicated to say the least. One must be very patient when treating Charcot foot in order to obtain optimal results.
The Advanced Foot And Ankle Center of San Diego is a destination for patients suffering with charcot foot from all over the United States. Patients travel from Canada and Mexico to receive treatment. I have been honored to treat many people from all over.
After working closely with Infectious disease experts to eradicate any signs of infection including bone infections. Next a vascular workup is done in order to correct any circulation issues. At this point Charcot foot ulcer is then ready for its cure.
You can see from the pictures below of healed charcot foot ulcers. I use a combination of skin grafts and removing the pressure areas surgically. Yes you can have the deformity corrected and the pressure removed from the bone sticking out even in the presence of bone infection.
If you have been told you need an amputation of your foot or leg due to a diabetic charcot foot ulcer, do not settle for an amputation . There is hope.
As a member of an international committee that forms expert consensus on the surgical management of the neuropathic charcot foot and ankle , I can tell you that there is hope and amputation is a thing of the past. So let me give you hope and the strength to get your foot fixed up. Even if you have had an amputation already of some toes you do not need to lose the foot.
Charcot foot ulcer
- foot wound
- Foot wound
- Vac Veraflo
- Foot wound
- dermaclose application
- Dermaclose
- Dermaclose
- Charcot foot