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In-toe walking

    In-toe walking in children. So your child is walking with their foot pigeon toe or in-toe walking. They may be tripping over their own feet. You may think they are just a little klutzy. however it may be something more significant. In-toe gait or Intoe walking can stem from a few different areas. You need

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    Flatfoot treatment in children

      Flatfoot treatment in children If you went to ten doctors regarding a medical issue chances are you will get eleven opinions. If you went to ten doctors regarding their opinion on Flatfoot treatment in children you will probably get fifteen different opinions. Why is this so and what information should you as a parent use to make

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      Hallux rigidus success story

        Hallux rigidus success story Sarah is a patient of mine from San Diego. She was an avid runner and loved to play golf. Sarah is 56 years old and started over the last few years developing severe pain in her big toe of her right foot. It got to the point where she could not

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        Diabetic Foot Care San Diego

          Diabetic Foot Care San Diego Its a new year and time to take back your foot health. Diabetic foot care in San Diego is something that many specialize in. What makes it important is that diabetics have a propensity for circulation issues and nerve issues. Otherwise known as Peripheral vascular disease and peripheral neuropathy. These

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          Fix your feet in 2015

            Fix your feet in 2015 It is 2015 and you want to be active and healthy. But your feet are killing you. You want to go to the gym or start working out but you can not even get into shoes. There is the big bump on your first toe thats always swollen and you

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            Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon

              Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon .What does it mean when your doctor states he or she is board certified? In addition what does i t mean to be board certified in foot and ankle surgery? When choosing a surgeon to operate on your foot you have many choices and questions. It is important that

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              Heel Pain in Children

                Heel pain in children can be a frustrating event for parents and their children alike. Typically heel pain in children will arise in nine to thirteen year old’s. I find it to be more prevalent in boys than in girls, but don’t dismiss it in girls. Many times i will have a parent present with

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                Toy Injuries

                  Toy injuries are always a worry for parents. As the holiday season is upon us and we are looking for safe toys for our children a new study has been published warning of the dangers of Scooters. The popular scooter by Razor and other types have been implicated in increased visits to the emergency room.

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                  Ingrown Toenails

                    What is an ingrown toenail, and when should you have it treated. So your toenail is hurting you and you see it is ingrown. Will it get worse. can it get infected. How does this happen. Below you can see a few pictures of different types of ingrown toenails. Ingrown nails are common in children

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                    Foot pain from Gout

                      Foot pain from gout can occur when your body over produces uric acid which is a breakdown of purines. Purines are commonly found in red meats . Gout in %90 of those affected come from under excretion meaning your kidney does not flush it out of your system. In %10 it is from over production

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