The Blog

Sports Medicine of the Foot And Ankle

    Sports Medicine of the  Foot and Ankle Treating sports medicine injuries of the foot and ankle is something I take pride in. Having extensive training in helping athletes of all ages and weekend warriors, I have the ability to use the most efficient methods to return you back to your athletic activities pain free. My

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    Complex ankle ulcer treatment

      Complex ankle ulcer treatment. Many foot and ankle ulcers require a multispecialty approach in healing the ulcer. In Diabetics a team approach is many times the best way to heal a patients ulcer. We will team with specialists such as vascular surgeons, Infectious disease specialists , Radiologists , Diabetologists , Hyperbarics, plastic surgeons and other wound

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      Endorsing the MBT Shoe

        Endorsing the MBT Shoe .  I am NOT a paid consultant for this company or any other shoe company ,  Many patients will come to my practice that have pain and the solution to their problem is not a medicine not a custom molded orthotics but yes the shoe that one is wearing. I get

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        Plantars Wart

          Plantars wart. The pain on the bottom of your foot is getting really uncomfortable. You have tried callus removers and decided its not a callus. So playing doctor online seems like your next choice and you have come to the decision that it is a wart. First thing you are wondering is how did i

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            Now that you have seen the jublia super bowl advertisement, your wondering is this for me. Do you have thickened toenails are they discoloured yellow and crumbly. Are they so thick they are ingrowing and painful in your shoes because they can not fit in. How about are they so thick that you can not

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            Cartilage replacement in the foot

              Cartilage replacement in the foot hallux limitus hallux rigidus ankle arthritis Cartilage replacement in the foot Advances in cartilage replacement surgery is one of the most exciting developments  in foot and ankle surgery. Until recently one who is suffering with joint degeneration in the foot or ankle had limited options. You either had to suffer

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              Nerve Decompression and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

                Nerve Decompression and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be a painful addition to those who suffer with diabetes. The exact cause is unknown. It leads to numbness and constant burning and tingling in the feet. The loss of sensation in your feet can lead to ulcers and wounds of the foot. This is

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                New year’s resolution to use your feet

                  New year’s resolution to use your feet Happy new year. 2016. Make this a year where you resolve to stay healthy. Its not that hard . It starts from the ground up. Resolve to use your feet. Yes, that means run , jog, bike , swim, walk. Do anything with your feet Yoga, Pilates, squats,

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                  Lateral Ankle Instability part two

                    Lateral Ankle instability part two. It’s been a few months and you keep spraining your ankle, you have tried a brace and even a custom brace. Now you are very frustrated and want to know your options. First thing is get a thorough exam. Is there a positive anterior draw sign. Is there excessive inversion of

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                    Misonix Ultrasonic bone Scalpel

                      Misonix Ultrasonic bone Scalpel I would like to introduce to you a great new innovation in bone surgery called the Misonix ultrasonic bone scalpel. Misonix Ultrasonic bone Scalpel This is a device that allows for accurate removal of bone when necessary with out the complications that can arise while using traditional bone saws. Many foot

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