The Blog

Diabetic Toe Wounds

    Not all wounds of the foot need surgery. Too often doctors can be pre-programmed to tell a patient when faced with a difficult diabetic toe wound, to just amputate the toe. Amputation many times is the best solution, but not always. As can be seen in the picture above, the toe on the right is

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    Charcot Foot And Ankle Reconstruction

      I was recently asked to give a lecture on Charcot foot and ankle reconstruction and thought that this was an opportune time to write a blog about the new updates and treatments regarding Charcot foot and ankle reconstruction. Charcot right foot and ankle reconstruction has undergone many types of treatment options over the past 100

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      Orpyx Orthotics Help Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers from Recurring

        There are over 136 million people in North American that have diabetes or are pre-diabetic. If you are reading this, odds are you are one of them. When you have diabetes there are a lot of things going on that you must watch for. Many people with diabetes, about 70%, have a condition called neuropathy,

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        Predicting the severity of diabetic foot infections

          When one presents with a diabetic foot infection there is always the fear of amputation.  Diabetics that have infections in their feet are at significantly increased risk for amputation.  The challenge is to make sure that the patient can be treated with his minimal amount of surgery as possible saving as much of the leg

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          Osteochondral Defect of the Talus

            Ankle pain can really hold you back. If one takes three to five thousand steps a day that’s 3-5000 times that your ankle can hurt you daily. That is a painful way to live. There are many reasons for ankle pain. One that we specialize in here at the Advanced Foot And Ankle Center Of

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            Charcot Foot Treatment

                Charcot foot requires expert treatment from surgeons that have experience treating this condition. When one is diagnosed with Charcot foot they should seek out a doctor that can show them how many of these they treated successfully. One with Charcot foot or ankle is at a high risk for loss of limb due to

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              Ankle Sprains

                Sprained ankle, how about if you sprain your ankle multiple times a year. Are you one of the millions of people that suffer with multiple ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability. Do you wonder why whenever you are about to go out on a hike you are afraid to roll the ankle. Many ankle sprains

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                  Gout attack in the big toe. That is what no one wants to feel. It can get so painful that even when your bed sheets touch your foot the pain is unbearable. Do not ignore the symptoms of big toe pain. If left alone one can end up with severe joint damage . There are

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                  Bunion Surgery

                    Bunions are not pleasant to say the least. First you have the painful bump that bothers you after a day of walking around. Then there is the issue of finding proper fitting shoes. Lastly there are the mechanical issues including a stiff joint and over lapping or under lapping of the second toe. There are

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                    Jones Fracture

                      Oh no ,it happened. You stepped off the curb or was playing ball and “OUCH” you felt a snap or pop on the outside of your foot. The next morning your foot is swollen and purple. You can not put any weight on the foot. At your visit it is important for the doctor to

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